Whether your a member and looking to make changes to your membership or provide feedback or a visitor who would like casual entry and opening hours information, click below and we can help.
Broadmeadows Aquatic & Leisure Centre
41-85 Tanderrum Way, Broadmeadows, Victoria, 3047
(03) 9205 2670
General enquiries: balc@hume.vic.gov.au
Swim School enquiries: broadmeadowsswimschool@hume.vic.gov.au
Splash Aqua Park & Leisure Centre
60 Central Park Avenue, Craigieburn, Victoria, 3064
(03) 9356 6800
(03) 9205 2200 - 24/7 Gym After Hours Emergencies
General enquiries: splash@hume.vic.gov.au
Swim School enquiries: splashswimschool@hume.vic.gov.au
Sunbury Aquatic & Leisure Centre
20 Ligar Street, Sunbury, Victoria, 3429
(03) 9356 6820
General enquiries: salc@hume.vic.gov.au
Swim School enquiries: sunburyswimschool@hume.vic.gov.au