Private lessons

We tailor swimming instruction to students with a variety of physical and or cognitive difficulties and aim to help all students with additional needs enhance their physical endurance, boost their confidence and have fun in the water. We take immense pleasure in seeing our students grow into strong, confident swimmers.

We run our private lessons as a one on one class with a fully qualified swim instructor between Monday to Friday at 3:30pm and 7:30pm.

Private lessons $83.30/fortnight Direct Debit

Swim Ability

Swim Ability provides group swimming lessons for children with autism, auditory processing delay, communication difficulties, sensory processing difficulties and developmental delay.

Our swimming instructors are provided with training and resources to create a more supportive learning environment for children with specific learning needs and their families.

Swim Ability Inclusion swimming lessons are designed to develop skills in water safety, water familiarisation, breathe control and swimming skills such as kicking, floating and arm movements in a comfortable group setting.

Parents/carers are required in the water to assist with the Swim Ability Program, this perfect for students who require the comfort of a familiar person in the class with them.

Ongoing fees (24 fortnights a year)

1 Child2 Children3 Children4 Children

Swim Ability Lessons Expression of Interest